There's a good likelihood that if one or both of your parents are anxious, you will be as well. The nature vs. nurture debate enters the picture right now. There are two ways anxiety can be passed down down the generations: genes (nature) or parenting style (nurture). The -endomannosidase gene was discovered to be linked to panic and social anxiety disorders in a study conducted in 2014. Researchers have found that nervous parents are more prone to unintentionally foster worry in their children by being sluggish to provide autonomy or by encouraging their children to avoid circumstances that can induce anxiety. As much as we want to help our children with anxiety, the short-term relief they receive can really make things worse in the long run. This in no way implies that parents are the source of concern. While both genes and environment are likely to play a role, the genetic susceptibility to anxiety amplifies the effects of environmental triggers. It's critical to keep in mind that genes do not determine one's fate. Anxiety is something that can be controlled. There's no guarantee that something will be passed down to you through your family denims. Even if it is, you won't necessarily do anxiety the same way your ancestors did.
2.Anxiety has the potential to cause unpleasant bodily symptoms.
A person's physical well-being is directly impacted by their anxiety. The body's fight-or-flight reaction is the cause of all physical symptoms. To prepare for battle or escape, the brain releases a mix of neurochemicals when it detects a threat (actual or imagined, it doesn't matter). Muscle strain, heart palpitations, and tightness in the chest are all possible physical symptoms. Anxiety causes physical and emotional harm. Everyone's response is unique, but the bodily reaction is just as real as the emotional one.
3.Anxiety can be reduced through physical activity.
Worry is a heightened version of the body's natural fight-or-flight response. There is nowhere for the stress hormones to go when there is nothing to fight or run from, so they build up and cause anxiety's bodily symptoms. The fight-or-flight reaction has an endpoint in physical activity. Exercise aids in the re-establishment of neurochemical balance, which in turn reduces anxiety.
4.Anxiety can mess with your nose.
According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, anxious persons are more likely to associate neutral odours with unpleasant memories. Typically, only the olfactory (smelling) system is activated when processing scents. When someone is worried, their emotional system and olfactory processing system get connected.
5.Anxious people notice facial expression changes more quickly.
People who suffer from anxiety are better able to detect subtle changes in facial expressions than those who are not. Because of their proclivity for making snap judgments, anxious persons are more likely to erroneously assume the worst about others' emotional states and intentions. It's easy to see how this could lead to strife and strife in relationships. Think twice before making assumptions about what people are thinking or feeling. Your lightning-fast powers of perception could have led you astray.