Coping Mechanisms
Feeling anxious or stressed? Try these strategies to help you relax:
Give yourself a break. Try yoga, music, meditation, a massage, or relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. Removing yourself from the situation allows you to get a fresh perspective on the problem.
Consume meals that are nutritionally sound. Take your meals as prescribed and don't scrimp. Always have a supply of healthy, energizing snacks on hand.
Caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate anxiety and even cause panic attacks, so keep them to a minimum.
Make sure you're getting enough shut-eye. When you're under a lot of pressure, your body craves extra sleep and relaxation.
Engage in some form of physical activity on a daily basis to help you feel better and stay healthy. Take a look at these health and fitness hints.
Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Slowly inhale and exhale.
Go back and forth slowly from one to ten. Do it again, and if you need to, count to 20.
Give it your all. As opposed to striving for absolute perfection, which is impossible, take pride in your efforts regardless of how close you come.
Recognize that you will never be able to do everything you want to do. Take a step back and ask yourself, "Is this really that bad?"
Thank you for being so funny. When it comes to relieving stress, nothing beats a good laugh.
Keep a positive frame of mind. Make a concerted effort to think more positively instead of negatively.
Take part in the discussion. Get involved in your community by volunteering or finding another way to relieve stress while also creating a support network.
Find out what makes you anxious so you can avoid it in the future. Is it something to do with your job, your family, your education, or something else? When you're anxious or stressed, keep a journal and notice if there's a pattern.
Contact a friend or family member. Inform your loved ones that you're feeling overwhelmed and ask for their help. Seek professional assistance from a doctor or therapist.